Entry Level Workforce Technical Certificates

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Students interested in attending Chatt Tech but do not have a required high school diploma may enroll in one of the following Entry Level Workforce Technical Certificates of Credit (TCC).



Business Technology:

Carpentry Technology:

Computer Information Systems:

Criminal Justice Technology:

Diesel Equipment Technology

Early Childhood Care and Education:

Industrial Maintenance and Electrical Technology:

Precision Machining and Manufacturing:

Welding and Joining Technology:

Admission Steps

  1. Choose an Entry Level Workforce Technical Certificate.
  2. Review the Admissions Deadlines
  3. Apply to Chatt Tech using the Beginning Student Online Application.
  4. Contact your admissions counselor by the first letter of your last name and let them know that you do not have the required high school diploma but would like to be admitted into one of the Entry Level Workforce TCCs.
  5. Students will be notified of acceptance via email and directed to their Student Portal complete New Student Orientation, academic advising and class registration.

Important Notes

  • Students may only take classes within their selected major, therefore, there may be semesters when only a single class is available for registration. Acceptance into a TCC doesn’t guarantee registration as that happens on a first come, first served basis.
  • The entry level workforce TCCs are not long enough for federal aid and students without an accepted high school diploma are not eligible for federal financial aid. Students will only be eligible for state financial aid opportunities.
  • Students are STRONGLY encouraged to take the Accuplacer test as a means of accessing readiness for college level course work. Test scores will help admissions counselors and academic advisors make the best suggestions for students.
  • Students are not eligible to change their major into anything other than Entry Level Workforce TCCs.
  • Each individual course at Chatt Tech will have a mixture of students seeking different credentials, TCCS, diplomas and degrees. Instruction and expectations in each class will be the same regardless of a student’s major.
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6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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6:00 pm - 8:00 pm