Veteran Student

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You served your country. We’re here to serve you.

Chattahoochee Tech values service members, veterans and their families. We are honored to assist you as you embark on an exciting academic career with us.

At Chatt Tech, the admissions process for veterans is easy. All you need to do is determine which type of student you are and follow the corresponding procedures:

  • Beginning Students have not attended college before.
  • Returning Students have completed coursework at Appalachian, Chattahoochee, or North Metro Technical Colleges previously.
  • Transfer Students are new to Chatt Tech but have attended college elsewhere.
  • Transient Students are currently enrolled at another accredited institution and will temporarily attend Chatt Tech to complete work to be transferred back to their home institution.

*Students who are admitted for a semester that do not enroll in classes will be expected to re-apply and pay the $30 non-refundable application fee.*

Note: Although it is not a requirement for admission, it may be in your best interest to submit an official copy of your joint service military transcript (US Army, Navy or Marines) or your Community College of the Air Force transcript. If your military training coincides with your chosen program at Chattahoochee Tech, you may receive some academic credit.

Request for assistance in obtaining military transcripts or other inquiries relating to veteran issues may be directed to:

Michael Payne, Veteran Services Coordinator

For assistance with Veteran Affairs educational benefits, please contact:

Kay Paul, Veterans Education Benefits Certifying Official

For additional Veterans Support links, check out our Veteran Services page.

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High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm