Transfer Student Enrollment

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Chattahoochee Tech welcomes students who have previously attended other colleges or universities. If you have ever attempted college courses at another institution, you are a considered a transfer student and would need to complete the simple steps below:

  1. Complete the application for admission and pay the $30 non-refundable application fee.
  2. Submit an official copy of your high school or high school equivalency transcript. See helpful hints for ways to exempt this requirement.
    • Georgia Homeschool Students: Submit annual progress reports or a final transcript for the equivalent of the student’s junior and senior years. The report/transcript should include the graduation date.
    • Out of State Homeschool Students: Submit annual progress reports or a final transcript for the equivalent of the student’s junior and senior years. The report should include the graduation date.
    • If you are having difficulty requesting your high school transcript, please contact your admissions counselor.
  3. Submit official transcripts for each regionally accredited college or university you have previously attended.
    • If you do not want to submit an official transcript from a previously attended college or university, complete the College Transcript Waiver Form to remove the admissions requirement.
    • Visit our Transfer Credits page to see how credit transfers to Chattahoochee Tech.
  4. Submit proof of lawful presence to qualify for in-state tuition.

* Students who are admitted for a semester that do not enroll in classes will be expected to re-apply and pay the $30 non-refundable application fee.*

Helpful Hints

A transcript is considered official if it is delivered to Chatt Tech (by mail or in person) in the same sealed envelope it was placed in by the issuing institution. Approved electronic transcript sending services can send official secure transcripts to (Emailed or faxed transcripts are not acceptable.)

High School Transcripts

Transfer students may be able to exempt the high school transcript requirement if you:

  • submit an official transcript from a regionally accredited college or university that shows completion of an associate degree or higher do not need to submit their high school transcript.
  • successfully completed (C or better) 16+ semester credit hours (including college-level Math and English) from a regionally accredited institution.
  • successfully completed (C or better) 24+ semester hours without the completion of degree-level English and math from a regionally accredited institution.

College Transcripts

  • Upon application, all previously attended colleges will be listed as man­datory admissions requirements. College transcript requirements may be satisfied by submission of an official transcript or the College Transcript Waiver.
  • Students who wish to have prior college credit evaluated for transfer or intend on using a funding source that requires the evaluation of prior college credit, such as HOPE Scholarship or Veterans Educational Benefits, must submit all post-secondary transcripts along with their admission application.
  • Students who attended college outside the U.S. are required to have transcripts sent to an approved evaluation agency. Learn more about approved evaluation agencies. Applicants who attended a foreign college or university may complete the College Transcript Waiver if they do not want to submit their transcript(s) for evaluation.
  • Chatt Tech cannot award transfer credit from a previous college if the applicant has not submitted an official transcript from that specific institution.


  • Placement testing is not a requirement for admission.


  • The application for financial aid is separate; learn more about aid options by visiting our financial aid.

Questions? Contact an Admissions Counselor.

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