Self-Paced Online Orientation

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Before Orientation Ask Yourself…

  • Have you completed the Special Populations Self-Disclosure Form? If not, please do so.
  • Do you know your student email address, student ID, and/or username? If not use the Student Email/ID Lookup tool to locate the information.
  • Do you need to change your program of study? If so, complete the Change of Program Form.
    • Typical reasons students change their program of study:
      • New career path is desired, including transferring to a 4-year institution.
      • Financial Aid does not cover desired program of study.
      • Selected the incorrect program of study while completing the application.
  • Have you set-up your student email account and completed the Multi-Factor Authentication?
  • Make sure you receive the email from the Chattahoochee Technical College Technology Department with your username and password. It was sent to the personal email account provided on the admissions application. If you are unable to locate the email, you can access your credentials by using Chattahoochee Tech Password Reset. Please note: an email will be sent to the personal email account that we have in Banner.
  • Are you a transfer student? If so, please allow 5-7 business days after you have been accepted to Chattahoochee Tech for transfer credits to be applied to your account.


Please read the instructions thoroughly.

New Student Orientation introduces new students to Chattahoochee Technical College. The orientation is self-paced and provides an overview of the technology that will be used here at Chattahoochee Tech, resources available, financial aid, advisement, and registration. Once a student has set up their account, the username is their Student ID (900 number) and selected password. Students are able to leave the orientation as needed and begin where they left off. Below are the steps to begin orientation.

  1. Thoroughly read all of the instructions before beginning New Student Orientation.
  2. Take Flight and start your New Student Orientation experience. Orientation will take a student approximately an hour to complete.
  3. At the end of Orientation, make sure you complete your checklist items!

Have questions about New Student Orientation or your onboarding process? Visit New Student Orientation Answers to live chat, send a text message, or submit a question! View the FAQ section to view our most commonly asked questions!

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