Resources for Parents – DSS New Student

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Attention Parents: There are some key differences between accommodations offered in high school and college. Please review the differences between high school and college accommodations.

As parents, you have helped your young adult get to this educational milestone! Disability Support Services recognizes the supportive role families play for students. We strive to help students ease the transition from high school to college. It is your student’s responsibility to develop the self-knowledge and self-advocacy skills that are essential to the success of any individual with a disability.

Throughout your student’s high school years, you may have worked closely with a team of administrators, counselors and teachers to ensure that your student received appropriate accommodations. In college, the responsibility of handling this process becomes the student’s; an important life skill called self-advocacy. The expectations are that they will assume responsibilities for meeting their class requirements.

There are several accommodations that students may have previously received in the K-12 system, that are not considered appropriate at the post-secondary level. Examples include, but are not limited to: untimed exams, bubbling answer choices in for a student on an exam, paraprofessionals, the ability to allow students to redo assignments or retake exams, etc. Accommodations that are appropriate and approved will be discussed during the intake session.

What can parents do to help students transition from high school to college?

  • Encourage your student to get services set up early.
  • Review the school’s Disability Support Services website together to understand policy and procedures.
  • Assist your student in getting appropriate documentation, but allow the student to provide Disability Support Services the information by making an intake appointment.
  • Review the documentation; help the student understand the diagnosis and recommendations so he or she is comfortable talking with the instructor.
  • Allow them to be in control of their education. This is part of the transitional process, and it’s important to know when to step in and help and when to allow the student to have consequences for their own choices.
  • Help them figure out the next steps to take, but allow them to take action on their own. They should send their own email messages and or make their own appointments with the appropriate people who can assist them. Solve problems with them, not for them.
  • Encourage them to make connections with Disability Support Services staff, their academic advisor, instructors, peers and others who can assist them during their college years.
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