Information for Graduating Students

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Graduation Requirements

To be eligible to graduate with a degree, diploma or certificate from Chattahoochee Technical College, a student must:

  • Complete the program of study in which he/she is enrolled with a program grade point average of 2.0.
  • Complete a high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate. This can be exempt for students with 30+ transferable hours.
  • Complete at least 25% of their program at Chatt Tech.
  • Complete the Petition to Graduate form found below. Students that submit their petitions at the beginning of their graduation term are guaranteed a pre-audit of their program of study prior to the end of the term.

A student’s academic record will be evaluated by the Record’s Office graduation team for any and all credentials earned to determine if graduation requirements have been met. If a student’s enrollment has not been continuous since initial matriculation to the college, his/her record will be evaluated for graduation based on the catalog in effect at the time of readmission.

Choose your graduation petition type:

If you have any questions, please email Please include your full name and 900 number in your email.


How do I get my diploma?

At the end of each semester following grade roll, all petitions are reviewed and students that meet all requirements are awarded their degrees, diplomas and/or certificates. When all awards are processed, they are uploaded into Parchment Services for sending. 

NEW this semester – Digital Diplomas

  • Degrees – Students earning an Associate Degree will receive a printed copy via mail and a digital diploma from Parchment.
  • Diplomas – Students earning a Diploma will receive a printed copy via mail and a digital diploma from Parchment.
  • Certificates – Students earning a Certificate will receive a digital diploma from Parchment.

Please allow approximately 4-6 weeks for the processing and sending of all awards. Digital diplomas will be sent first with the mailed diploma following a few weeks after.

How do I get a replacement copy of my diploma?

Replacement diplomas are only for students that have already received their initial copy of their award.  Students are able to log into their Parchment Services account and request a replacement diploma. The cost of each replacement is $30. 

Participating in the Commencement Ceremony

Chatt Tech holds 2 commencement ceremonies per year.

  • Spring commencement – May (spring and summer graduates)
  • Fall commencement – December (summer and fall graduates)

Before registering for the Commencement Ceremony, students must submit the Petition for Graduation. The petition for graduation does not register a student to participate in the ceremony.

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