Peer Mentor Program – Mentor Application

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Mentor Responsibility Agreement:

The Peer Mentor Program provides for each student caring mentors who genuinely want to help a first time student succeed at CTC. The peer mentor is expected to understand college policy and procedure, academic support services, student support services, student code of conduct, and college services and resources. The Mentor responsibilities are as follows. As mentor, I agree:
1. To meet with my mentee at least three times a semester, beginning with an initial meeting within one week of being assigned a mentee
2. To contact my mentee once a week or on a regular basis by email, text, or phone call
3. To contact my mentee to find out if there are any obstacles or challenges that might hamper academic or personal success
4. To attend any peer mentor program meetings
5. That I understand that both peer mentor and mentee may not work effectively together for a variety of reasons; therefore, a mentor may be assigned to a different mentee or vice versa
6. To participate in program evaluations at the end of the term
7. To notify the program coordinator if any concerns arise in regard to mentoring a student
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