Peer Mentor Program – Mentee Application

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Program Information
Mentee Responsibility Agreement:

The Peer Mentor Program provides each student an encouraging and caring mentor, prompts to utilize and engage in academic support services such as the Success Center, library, career services, academic advising, campus and college activities, and a the introduction of possible workshops which focus on developing or enhancing strategies for success. In addition, these are the responsibilities and expectations of the student mentees. As mentee I agree:

1. To attend all required classes, understand the syllabus, and meet all academic deadlines
2. To contact my mentor to make him/her aware of any obstacles which might hinder academic success.
3. To contact instructors or support staff prior to withdrawing from any class(es).
4. To meet with a tutor in the success center when an instructor or mentor recommends tutoring.
5. To attend meetings and activities scheduled by the Peer Mentor program.
6. To let my mentor know when I am experiencing academic or personal difficulties.
7. To be prompt and keep scheduled appointments with my mentor.
8. To participate in program evaluations and follow-up as requested by my mentor or the coordinator of the Peer Mentor Program.
9. I understand that I may request to be assigned a different mentor if my current mentor and I cannot work effectively together as a team.
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6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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6:00 pm - 8:00 pm