Distance Learning
An Academic Support Unit

Chattahoochee Technical College offers a growing number of distance-learning courses. These courses are labeled “online” in the posted schedule of courses. In addition to these, many other courses have a significant online component regardless of the time or duration of their face-to-face meetings. Most of Chattahoochee Tech’s online courses utilize the Blackboard Learn Learning Management System. The following link provides direct access to Chattahoochee Tech’s Blackboard Learning portal.    

All online courses require secure login through Okta to gain entry to the courses. Students are encouraged to never share online user IDs or login passwords with anyone.

Need technical assistance? Visit the Chatt Tech Technology Answers page.

NC-SARA Participating Institution logo


Chattahoochee Technical College participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.

Top 10 Tips for Online Student Success at Chatt Tech

Distance Learning Policies

Disaster Preparedness Statement

Disaster Recovery

Distance Learning Student Privacy Procedure

Distance Learning Class Types


Proctored Events

Chattahoochee Technical College takes steps to guarantee those enrolled in online courses complete their own work and that the students registered are the ones completing this work (see Distance Learning Student Privacy Procedure). All online courses require secure login to gain entry to the courses. Students are encouraged to never share online user IDs or login passwords with anyone. Chattahoochee Tech instructors may also use additional technologies to verify the identity and/or work of online students.

Okta Authentication and Blackboard

Okta is a single-sign-on application. At Chattahoochee Technical College, students log-in to Okta for single sign on access to college email, Blackboard and other applications. For detailed instructions on how to access and use Okta, please utilize the following PDF: Quick Login Instructions.

Chattahoochee Tech uses Blackboard to deliver all online content. Complete instructions for getting started with Blackboard, including login instructions, appear on Blackboard’s Login page.

Instructors may upload publisher-provided content, such as e-books and access to password-protected Web sites, into their Blackboard courses, and this content usually requires students to have a key or password separate from their Blackboard user names and passwords. Students must get information about this publisher-provided content from their instructors.

Visit the Chatt Tech Technology Answers page

Technological Proficiencies and Requirements

All courses utilizing the Blackboard LMS require access to the internet. Unless you utilize computers provided by the college in an open computer lab, library, or success center, you will need to have access to your own computer and high-speed Internet Service Provider. A webcam and a headset or microphone for your computer is recommended and may be required. For specific requirements, please check in with each individual instructor.


All Links Open in a New Window

  • Your instructor must provide you with the link to download this browser.
  • Follow instructions at the link below to install LockDown Browser on a Chromebook.
  • LockDown Browser is installed on Success Center computers on most campuses.

Video: Introduction to Respondus Lockdown Browser

Respondus Lockdown Browser Quick-Start Guide

Installing Lockdown Browser on a Chromebook

Blackboard Learn Resources

Blackboard Learn Help for Students

Blackboard Learn Videos for Students

Visit the Chatt Tech Technology Answers page

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High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm