Okta Authentication

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On Thursday, May 13, 2021, we changed our online identity provider from Azure to Okta. The most noticeable difference is the way your login prompts for online services. Instead of the login prompt coming from Microsoft, it now comes from Okta. Your username (email address) and passwords are the same as before.

Upon your first time logging into Okta, you will be prompted to set up multifactor authentication. Simply follow the prompts. The available options are to be texted an SMS code, or a phone call (pretty much the same as Azure). There is also a 3rd option in the form of the Okta Verify app. This gives you the option to use a rotating 6-digit code provided by the app for multifactor authentication, or simply using push notifications.

Get Okta Verify for iOS

Get Okta Verify for Android

When setting your MFA option, please read the text on the screen and follow the instructions. Okta’s MFA integration is a bit more intuitive than Azure’s. Feel free to log into Okta and set up MFA at any time.

You will be logging into Okta from the link to access your dashboard, which will provide buttons you can click on to access online services such as Office 365 or Blackboard.

If you do not log into our Okta organization first before accessing an online service, that is fine. The old prompt that asked for your username and password from Microsoft has simply been replaced with a prompt from Okta.

In the event that you are using SMS authentication for MFA and your number changes, or you are using Okta Verify and begin using a new smartphone, this will require you to contact the student helpdesk and verify your identity to have your MFA options cleared so they can be reconnected.


Why did we switch to Okta?
This is to support the E-Campus initiative set forth by TCSG. Azure does not support the requirements for the E-Campus deployment.

What will happen to Office 365?
Absolutely nothing. The only change was how you log into Office 365, which is now through Okta.

Will we have to use MFA for both Okta and Office 365?
No. We will be retiring MFA for Office 365.

Okta Initial Setup (Account)

  1. Go to chattahoocheetech.okta.com to log in and set up your account.
  2. Everything will work the way it did before, but you’ll see Okta asking for your username (email address) and password.
  3. If you go directly to the resource instead of logging into Okta first and setting up MFA, Okta will still ask for your MFA information, but you’ll still get in.


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