Note-Taker Instructions – Current Student

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Note-Taker Registration

Note-Taker Registration consists of completing the four forms found at this site and returning the forms to Disability Support Services within the third week of the term in which notes are being taken. If you have any questions about completing these forms please call Disability Services at 770-975-4099.

You will begin as a volunteer note taker and once you have completed the necessary forms, you will be a paid note taker earning $100 for taking notes for a student with a disability for the semester. Should the student withdraw from the course, you will be paid $50.00. You will not be paid for these services until after the third week of the following term and after you have turned in your time sheet to Disability Support Services promptly following completion of the course.

Review the Note-Taker Instructions on how to fill out the note taker paper work.  Also, complete the Note-Taker Agreement form before starting.

Note Taker Agreement

All information on this form is required.

Your check will be mailed to the address on this form.

You will be paid only $100 for note taking even if there are two or more students with disabilities requiring this service in the course.

DSS Student Expectation for Note-taking Accommodation

For any DSS student that is eligible for the accommodation of utilizing a student note-taker, the student who is eligible must continue to attend class on a regular basis. If the DSS student stops attending class (without medical documentation) and/or stops communicating with the DSS, then DSS will cease sending/passing along notes from the note-taker to the student. It is critical that DSS students maintain regular attendance, participation, and their own individual note-taking within each class.

W9 Tax Form

  • Print your name and address.
  • Write your Social Security number.
  • Sign, date, and then submit this form.

New Vendor Form

If you were a note taker for a student in a previous term, you do not need to complete this form.

  • Print your name on ‘Name 1.’
  • Your ‘Tax Identification Number’ is your Social Security number.
  • Print your address to include city, state, zip under the heading ‘Location.’
  • Print your phone number and email address under the heading ‘Phone.’
  • Check appropriate box under ‘User Classification.’
  • Print your name for ‘Vendor Contact’
  • Under ‘Title’ write Student.
  • Sign your name next to ‘Vendor Signature’ and record the date you submitted the form.

Note-Taker’s Time Sheet

The Note-Taker Time Sheet should be completed by the note taker and submitted with correct dates to Disability Support Services. The form must be received by a DSS team member during the last week of the term or services will be considered voluntary for the term in which notes were taken.

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