Library Policies

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Library Policies

Rules and Policies

  • No food.
  • Drinks are allowed in spill-proof containers. No cans, take-out cups, or Styrofoam cups.
  • No one under 18 allowed who is not a Chattahoochee Tech student.
  • Place phones on vibrate or turn off.
  • Step outside the library to use your phone.
  • Computers, study rooms, and study tables are first come, first served. They may not be reserved.
    • For example: logging into a computer and leaving book on the table or a coat on the chair to block another user’s access.
  • Backpacks, books, or other items left unattended for more than 15 minutes will be placed in lost and found.
  • Study rooms are reserved for academic purposes.
    • Groups wanting to socialize should go to the student center. § Students are expected to follow the official Student Code of Conduct.
  • Anyone being rude, disruptive, using threatening language or otherwise misbehaving will be asked to leave the library.
    • Repeated violations may result in library privileges being revoked.
  • Guests may use library resources (computers, tables, library books, research assistance) provided they are available and no Chattahoochee Tech patrons are waiting to use those resources.
  • Guests do not have access to printing and may not borrow library materials. There may be a time limit on computer use depending on location or time of day.
  • Guests are anyone who is not a current student or employee of Chattahoochee Tech, any other TCSG college, or one of our official partner libraries.


  • Print balances cannot be transferred from student to student
  • Students should make sure they log off library computers to prevent others from printing against their account
  • Printing problems should be directed to the Student Helpdesk at 770-528-4444 or submit a Student Helpdesk Request Form.
  • Students may purchase additional prints in blocks of 100 pages for $10.00. Charges are added to Banner and additional prints will be added to student accounts after payment is complete.


  • B&W: $0.10 per page
  • Color: $0.50 per page (where available)

Circulation Rules

  • Current students and employees may check out regular circulating library materials.
  • Regular library materials are checked out for four (4) weeks and may be renewed once for a maximum of eight (8) weeks.
  • Current students and employees of our Partner Libraries share the same privileges.
  • Up to 10 items may be checked out at a time.
  • Students who pre-register for the next semester may check out materials over the semester break.
  • Reference items and periodicals may not be checked out.
  • Reserve items are located at the circulation desk and have shorter loan periods.
  • Reserve items may not be renewed.
  • Due to high demand, certain test prep books may only be checked out for four (4) weeks at a time, they cannot be renewed, and only one (1) of these books can be borrowed at a time. There is a 24 hour wait time between returning a test prep book and borrowing it again, if the book doesn’t have any existing holds. These books can be found at the library’s circulation desk. 

Fines and Fees

  • Overdue fines: $0.10 per day
  • Reserve fines: $1.00 per day
  • Maximum fine per item: $10.00 for books/media, $50 for devices
  • Faxes are free for students (10 page max).
  • Overdue materials must be returned before more library materials can be checked out.
  • All overdue fines and lost book charges will be placed in Banner. For information about paying bills, please see the Pay My Bill page.
  • All regular library materials are due on or before the last day of finals.
  • At the end of each semester Academic Holds placed on all students with overdue materials or any fines.
  • Holds cleared when materials are returned and fines paid.
  • Lost Materials: Regular and paperback materials: Replacement cost plus $15.00 processing fee; Books with CDs/DVDs: If the Book or CD/DVD is missing, full replacement cost of entire set plus $15.00 processing fee
  • Overdue fines are waived for lost materials.

Policies for Employees

  • No limit on the number of items that may be checked out
  • Regular circulating items may be renewed twice
  • Reference books may be borrowed for one week
  • Overdue notices are sent as a courtesy, but there are no overdue fines for employees
  • Employees are responsible for lost or damaged materials

College-Wide Policies

Computer and Internet Use Policy

The primary purpose of the Chattahoochee Technical College Library public workstations is to assist Chattahoochee Tech Students, Staff, and Faculty (Chattahoochee Tech Patrons) with their school, work, or research projects. Any patron using the workstation for other purposes may be asked to relinquish it to Chattahoochee Tech patrons needing to perform research or other class-related activity, if no other workstations are available.

The Library supports the principles of free access to information as codified in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and an interpretation of it on Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks.

The Library does not attempt to censor the access of adults to information beyond the scope of the college’s Computer Use & Internet Use policies. See the Student Code of Conduct page in the College Catalog for more information.

We ask that patrons respect the sensibilities of others and not display graphic or offensive images or content in such a manner as may be considered harassing or which interferes with the rights of others to not view such material.

Members of the general public are welcome to use library computers provided there are computers available. They may be denied computer access or asked to relinquish their computer if Chattahoochee Tech students are waiting. There may also be a time limit on computer use for members of the general public.

Failure to adhere to these guidelines could result in being asked to leave the library, suspension of library privileges, or other discipline as appropriate.

Student Computer Use and Student Email

Intellectual Property Rights

The College encourages the development of intellectual property designed to improve the productivity of the College and/or to enhance the learning environment. Intellectual property is defined as intellectual and/or creative works that can be copyrighted or patented, such as literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works, computer software, multimedia presentations, videos, inventions, etc. Students shall have exclusive property rights to intellectual property products developed on their time without the use of College resources.

Ownership resides with the student if the following criteria are met:

  1. The work is the result of an individual initiative and is not requested by the College (i.e., it is not a class assignment).
  2. The work does not involve substantial use of college facilities, time, and is not derivative of any other college-owned copyright.

NOTE: Students may not use college equipment or resources for works for hire.

With regard to student works, ownership resides with the college if the following criteria are met:

  • The work is the result of an assignment made during the course of the student’s educational program at the college AND
  • The development of the work involved substantial use of facilities, time, and/or other resources of the College including, but not limited to, college personnel, equipment, college facilities, or is a derivative of any other college-owned copyright.

Although the student may not personally profit from college-owned property which he or she developed, the student may include it as representative in a personal portfolio.

Disclaimer: In the event that further interpretation of this policy is needed, please contact the Vice President of Academic Affairs or the Vice President of Administrative Services.

Copyright Laws and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Materials is Against Federal Law

The unauthorized copying and distributing of copyrighted materials, including, but not limited to peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing, is a violation of United States copyright law and may result in civil and criminal liability and prosecution.

Summary of Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws

Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.

Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.

Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.

For more information, please see the website of the U.S. Copyright Office.

Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Materials is Prohibited by TCSG Policy

TCSG State Board Policy II.C.4 prohibits the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials via TCSG systems or networks. Maximum penalties under Georgia Law are a $50,000 fine and 15 years of imprisonment, plus civil liability in addition to the potential federal penalties listed above.

Legal Alternatives for Downloading or Otherwise Acquiring Copyrighted Materials

For legal sources of online content (for downloading copyrighted materials), please visit the article “Legal Sources of Online Content” by Educause.

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