Student Code of Conduct

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We strive to provide a safe and supportive learning environment that promotes teaching, learning, and student success. 


The Student Code of Conduct’s goal is to provide a precise set of expectations to students and, at the same time, offer the assurance that all students will be afforded fair and reasonable treatment in matters involving alleged or determined violations of the Student Code of Conduct. 

Accountability – Willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions 

Civility – Be respectful. Value the dignity of each person and honor the property of others 

Trust – Reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing 


The Student Code of Conduct and the student conduct process apply to individual students and all College-affiliated student organizations. The College considers an individual to be a student when an offer of admission has been extended and thereafter as long as the student has a continuing educational interest in the College. 

A student conduct violation occurs when a documentable incident occurs within the bounds of one of the College’s campuses, during a college-sponsored event, on social media, or while engaging in activities (educational or otherwise) as a result of a student’s academic pursuits with the College. All allegations of student conduct violations are subject to a systematic and thorough investigation, including a formal Student Conduct Panel Hearing. Communication with students will be via their official Chattahoochee Tech student email account. 

Know the Code  

Students must familiarize themselves with the Student Code of Conduct. It is the student’s responsibility to know the policies and guidelines of the College. 

Review the Student Code of Conduct and Grievances Handbook  

Student Code of Conduct Process 

Social Media Policy 

Academic Misconduct is stated in the course syllabus and the college catalog. 

***Faculty – If there has been a violation of academic integrity, submit a Student Code of Conduct Report. 

Submit a Student Conduct Concern 


Upon the conclusion of either the Informal Meeting Resolution or the Formal Meeting Resolution, the sanctioned Respondent may appeal the decision established by the Student Conduct Officer or the Conduct Hearing Panel. Appeals requests are limited to the following grounds: 

  1. New evidence after the investigation 
  2. Evidence that due process was not provided

The Vice President of Student Affairs reviews all appeals. A decision concerning said appeal shall be determined no less than five (5) Business Days and no more than fifteen (15) Business Days from the date the student requests the appeal. All decisions established by the Vice President of Student Affairs and/or Vice President of Academic Affairs are final. 

To submit your appeal, please complete the Student Conduct Appeals Form.  

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