Golden Eagle Food Pantry

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Mission Statement

The Golden Eagle Food Pantry logo

It is the mission of The Golden Eagle Pantry to directly serve local students who suffer from hunger and food insecurity within the Chattahoochee Technical College community.  Office of Student Resources (OSR) provides food for ANY Chattahoochee Tech students experiencing food insecurity. All supplies are based upon donations and are available to students as long as supplies are continually received.

Food Pantry

A food pantry is different than a food bank in that it provides food directly to those who may not have enough food to eat. Food banks distribute food to food pantries. Food pantries can be either permanent locations or mobile distributions. Food pantries are often the only source of free, healthy, and nutritious food in a neighborhood. They often provide other critical resources such as nutrition education, health screenings, seasonal food baskets and back to school supplies.

Campus Pantry Usage Guidelines

  • All students are welcome; however, priority will be given to Foster and Homeless individuals.
  • All students must complete the registration form.
  • Any Chattahoochee Tech student, actively attending classes, may shop once every 30 days, no questions asked.
  • All students are required to have a valid Chattahoochee Tech ID.
  • On their first visit and annually, students are required to read and sign an OSR Services Participant Agreement for Receiving Pantry Items form.
  • After an Initial OSR Assessment and as determined by the  Department, a participant may be eligible to have access to other personal OSR items and increased access to the pantry.
  • A reusable bag will be provided at the initial visit. Upon each return visit, students MUST return their reusable bag to the staff at the time of sign-in, to receive additional items.
  • If a student needs different and/or additional food, based upon dietary restrictions and /or living conditions, they are encouraged to let staff know at the time of sign-in. Staff will try to accommodate students’ dietary restrictions to the best of their ability.
  • Students are not allowed in the designated storage areas where the food and/or personal OSR items are housed.
  • Students are asked only to use these resources when experiencing food insecurity beyond their control. They are also encouraged to educate other students about the OSR Office and its services.

Walk-In Pantry Location and Hours

Marietta Campus:
Building C, room 1103
Fall, Spring, Summer Semesters: Walk In Tuesday – Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

All other Campuses or Hours:
By Appointment only.

Please contact by Email to schedule an appointment.


If you wish to volunteer at The Golden Eagle Pantry, Email or Phone.


Donate to: The Golden Eagle Pantry Amazon Account

Donate Items to The Golden Eagle Pantry

The Golden Eagle Pantry Wish List:

  • Canned meats (beef, chicken), canned fish (tuna)
  • Beans, legumes, lentils – dry or canned
  • Canned Goods
  • Peanut butter
  • Snack food
  • Bottled waters
  • Paper Products: Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Napkins, Facial Tissues
  • Diapers, Baby Wipes
  • Feminine Hygiene Products: liners, napkins, pads, tampons, wipes

Important Information and Links

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High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm