Financial Aid FAQs

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Applying for Financial Aid

What is Financial Aid?

Financial aid is money used to pay for your educational expenses such as tuition, fees, and book. Financial aid is generally in the form of grants, scholarships, and/or work-study program.

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What type of Financial Aid is offered at Chattahoochee Tech?

Chattahoochee Technical College offers a variety of financial aid programs that include grants and scholarships that are non-repayable.  Chattahoochee Technical College does not participate in any Federal Stafford/Direct Loan programs or the Federal PLUS program.

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How do I apply for Financial Aid?

Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a Renewal FAFSA on the web at You will need income tax returns (1040, 1040A etc.) for you and/or your parents (if you are a dependent student), W-2’s and any other income information for that particular tax year.

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What is the Title IV School Code for Chattahoochee Tech?
Chattahoochee Tech’s Federal Title IV School Code is 005620. This number must be used when completing the FAFSA in order for Chattahoochee Tech to receive your financial aid application.

Do I need to reapply for financial aid each year?

Yes. Each year you must file either the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or the Renewal FAFSA, at the Federal Student Aid website.

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Do I need to apply every semester?

No. A financial aid academic year is July 1 through June 30. All financial aid expires on June 30; therefore, you must reapply 6-8 weeks before starting a term the next academic year.

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Can I apply for a student loan?

Chattahoochee Technical College does not participate in any of the Federal Stafford Loan programs. Students can apply for private loans.

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Do I need to be accepted for admission prior to applying for financial aid?

No, it is recommended that you apply for aid as soon as possible.

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How do I know if I have been awarded financial aid?

You will be able to view your award by using the me@ChattTech Student Portal. If there is a question, call the Financial Aid office.

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If I get married after I complete my application, can I change my marital status?

No, the student’s marital status is effective for the award year as of the date the application is submitted. A student can update his/her marital status during the Application Renewal period for the next award year.

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I live on my own. Why must I include my parents’ income?

The federal aid application requires parents’ financial information for students who are under 24 years of age unless the student:

  • is married
  • has children
  • has other dependents who receive more than half of their support from the student and live with the student
  • is an orphan or ward of the court
  • is active duty military or is a U.S. Veteran
  • has other circumstances as listed on the FAFSA

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How will I know that my application has been processed?

You will receive a FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) that summarizes all the information you provided on the FAFSA. Your FSS will usually contain your Student Aid Index (SAI), the number used in determining your eligibility for federal student aid. You will receive your FSS by e-mail within 3-5 days after your FAFSA has been processed. If you did not provide an e-mail, you will receive a paper FSS within 7-10 days. Read the FSS very carefully to see if additional information may be needed.

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Will I receive all the financial aid listed on the website or in my financial aid award letter?

Financial aid is awarded as if you will be full-time status. If you do not register as a full-time student, aid will be prorated. Aid will be paid for classes in your program of study and only if we have received all missing documents.

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How do I apply for the HOPE Scholarship or Grant?

A student must complete a FAFSA application online or the GSFAPPS in order to determine eligibility for HOPE. If you are an Associate Degree student and have prior college credit, a Hope Evaluation Request should also be submitted.

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If I moved to Georgia less than one year ago, can I qualify for the HOPE Grant?

A student who graduated from a Georgia high school must be a legal resident of Georgia for 12 consecutive months prior to the first day of the term they are planning to enroll in classes, to be considered eligible for the HOPE Grant/Scholarship. Students who did not graduate from a Georgia high school must be a legal resident of Georgia for 24 consecutive months prior to the first day of the term they are planning to enroll in classes, to be eligible for HOPE funds.

Do I have to be a full-time student to receive HOPE?

You do not have to be enrolled in a certain number of credit hours to receive HOPE. You can be enrolled in one class.

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Is there an income limit for HOPE assistance?
There is no income limit or cap for the HOPE Grant or HOPE Scholarship programs.
Is there a limit on the number of hours for which HOPE will pay?

Yes, you can receive the HOPE Grant for 63 semester paid hours for technical certificate or diploma programs. You can receive the HOPE Scholarship for 127 semester hours of combined HOPE Grant and HOPE Scholarship.

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What is the difference between HOPE Grant and HOPE Scholarship?

The HOPE Grant is for eligible students seeking a diploma or certificate. The HOPE Scholarship is for eligible students seeking a degree program.

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Why do I need to complete a Verification Worksheet and submit a copy of my Federal Tax Return Transcript?

Each year, the Federal Aid Program selects at least 30% of the financial aid applicants to a particular school for a process called verification. The school must verify the information that the student provided on his or her FAFSA. These documents are required to verify that information.

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If I did not file an income tax return, what should I do?

You will need to contact the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 to request a Form 4506-T (Non-filer Statement) or on the web at (Request Proof of Non-Filing Status)

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Why is my certificate program not Pell-eligible?

To be Pell-eligible, a program must be at least one year long, or require a certain number of clock hours. Because of the length of some Chattahoochee Tech certificate programs, they are not Pell eligible. Generally, certificate programs are NOT Pell-eligible because they do not take more than one year to complete.

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Do I have to attend full time to receive the Pell Grant?

No, however, the amount of Pell Grant you receive each term is based on your enrollment.

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Is there a limit on how long I can receive financial aid?

Satisfactory Progress Standards require students to complete their program before attempting more than 150% of the credits required for their graduation. Example: a program that requires 68 credits for graduation. 68 credits x 150% = 102. Students are not eligible for aid at the point when they cannot mathematically complete their program in the 150% timeframe. The Department of Education has set a 12-semester limit for full-time Pell Grants effective July 1, 2012. Other grant and scholarship programs may have their own limitations.

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Does the college take into account my living expenses when determining financial aid?

Yes, when determining the amount of financial aid you are eligible for, the Financial Aid Office assigns each student a budget, which includes tuition, fees, books, room and board, personal expenses, transportation, etc. Child care expenses, excessive transportation or disability-related expenses are not budgeted.

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Can a veteran receive both VA benefits and federal/state financial aid?

It is possible, but veterans’ benefits can greatly impact the amount of financial aid a student can receive.

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Student Email

Do I need an assigned Chattahoochee Technical College email address?

Yes! It is the official email address we will use to keep you informed of important financial aid information. You are responsible for all email sent to your Chattahoochee Tech email address, and we recommend that you check it on a weekly basis. Once you are admitted to the college by the Admission office, you will automatically be assigned an email account.

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What is BankMobile Disbursements?

Chattahoochee Technical College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.

Learn more about BankMobile Disbursements.

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When will the Pell Grant refunds be ready?

Chattahoochee Technical College refunds financial aid awards about half way through the semester. You can expect your award sometime between the 4th-6th weeks of the semester, however, there is never a specific date given for refunds.

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I totally withdrew from the college, and now I’ve received a Pell refund. Is this money really mine?

Pell Grant is pro-rated based on the time actually spent in class when a student totally withdraws from school. Please contact the Financial Aid Office to see if you owe a portion of your Pell back.

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How many credits do I need to be considered a full-time student?

For financial aid purposes, you must be enrolled in 12 credits or more to be considered a full-time student. This is true for Summer, Fall and Spring.

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Do I have to be a full-time student in order to get financial aid?

No, if you are less than full-time and HOPE eligible, you are still eligible to receive your aid. If you are Pell eligible and not full-time, this will change your award amount; however, you still may be eligible.

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What happens to my financial aid status if I withdraw from school?

Students who withdraw from school while on financial aid may have their awards reduced. Depending upon when you withdraw from school, your awards can be reduced and you may be required to repay a specified percentage of any aid you have received in the term in which you are withdrawing. Check with the Office of Financial Aid before withdrawing from school to see if withdrawing could have an effect on your awards.

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How will dropping a class affect my financial aid?

If the course is dropped within the drop/add period, it does not affect your financial aid. Drop/Add is 5 days for Fall and Spring terms and 3 days for Summer terms. Once Drop/add closes, the withdrawal period will open; withdrawing from course(s) are counted and could affect your SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress). You are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office before you drop or withdraw from your classes so you can be advised on how the drop/withdrawal will affect your financial aid standing.

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Will financial aid pay for audit or exempt classes?


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Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

What is SAP?

Satisfactory Academic Progress is a set of federal, state, and institutional guidelines for students receiving financial assistance. If a student fails to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, he/she will be placed on warning or suspension.

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I am on financial aid suspension. Is there any way I can get my financial aid back?

Yes, you have the opportunity to appeal your suspension. You must fill out the SAP Appeal form and submit it online. Deadlines are listed for each term on our website. Any appeals submitted after the deadline, will be reviewed for the following term. SAP appeal forms can be found on the financial aid website located under Satisfactory Academic Progress. You will be notified of the decision of the appeal committee via student email.

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I am thinking about dropping a class. How will this affect my financial aid?

You will not be required to pay back HOPE. However, if you completely withdraw from classes, you may be subject to paying back your Pell award. Even if you are not required to pay money back, your withdrawal will still count as an attempt. You must successfully complete at least 67% of the classes you attempt in order to remain in good financial aid standing, regardless of what your GPA is.

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What is SEOG?

SEOG is a Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant. A limited amount of SEOG is appropriated from the federal government every year to be awarded to the students with the highest financial need.

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How do I apply for scholarships?

Each scholarship has different criteria. Information about scholarships awarded by the Chattahoochee Tech Foundation is available online. If you are still in high school, it is important to work with your high school counselor for information on scholarships for students entering college.

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Federal Work-Study (FWS)

What is Federal Work-Study?

The Federal College Work-Study program provides jobs to eligible financial aid students. It gives them the opportunity to earn money like a part-time job as well as gain valuable work experience. Work-study jobs are on campus and can offer more flexibility than a traditional part-time job in that your class schedule is considered when setting up your work hours.

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How do I apply for a Federal Work-Study job?

Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If jobs are available, you will find them here.

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