English and Humanities

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Welcome to the English and Humanities Department. We support the mission of Chattahoochee Tech by providing quality instruction in the areas of art, college success, communication, English, humanities, music, Spanish, speech, and theater.

Meet our Faculty

Chatt Tech Writes! Podcast

Faculty Spotlight

Dr. Judy Cannon, Instructor of Reading and Student Success and Network for Effective Teaching Coordinator

How long have you been at Chattahoochee Tech and in what roles have you served? 

I retired from the Cobb Country Public School System where I had been teaching for 33 years. I always had a goal of being a college professor. I used to tell my family and friends, “When I grow up, I want to teach college students.” I have been an instructor at Chattahoochee Technical College since 2008. I began as an adjunct teaching Learning Support Reading courses. In 2010, I became a full-time instructor and added COLL 1500–Student Success. Here I am, living my dream!

What is your favorite thing about teaching at Chatt Tech?  

My favorite part of teaching at Chattahoochee Tech is our students. I love working with motivated adult learners. I think it is amazing that our students are so diverse and skilled at what they do. Chattahoochee Tech is an important part of our community as we build the workforce and provide employees in vital industries in our society.

Read full version of Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Cannon

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Upcoming Events

High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm