Drop/Add Information

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Drop/Add Periods: 

  • Spring and Fall semesters: Drop/Add will be the first full week of the semester. It will end on Saturday at noon.
  • Summer semester: Drop/Add will be the first three days of the semester. It will end on Wednesday at midnight.

100% Refund Period:

On the first day of each term you can drop and add courses. At the conclusion of the drop/add period, courses may no longer be added to your schedule. If you drop a course during the drop/add period, you will receive a 100% refund.  See the College Calendar for exact dates of Drop/Add each semester.

You may use your me@ChattTech Student Portal to change your schedule.

At the conclusion of Drop/Add, there is a tuition and fees payment deadline. All tuition and fees must be paid by this deadline or your classes will be dropped.

NOTE: A late fee is incurred by all students creating a new schedule during the drop/add period.

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High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm