Funding & Cost

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Dual Enrollment Funding

Students are limited to a total of 30 dual enrollment funding hours, with a limit of 15 hours per semester. This includes all attempted hours at all colleges and universities where dual enrollment funding was used, not just those hours taken at Chattahoochee Tech.

Credit hours taken over 30 semester hours will be the out-of-pocket responsibility of the student. Tuition and fee rates will apply and vary from dual enrollment rates and students will be responsible for paying course fees, books, and supplies.

***See links below for estimated startup costs for kits and supplies for certain programs of study.

The HB444 law states, after withdrawal from a second dual credit course, a student shall be ineligible to take any dual credit courses. A student is no longer eligible to continue to receive program funding after withdrawing from Dual Enrollment course(s) two (2) times. A student may not receive funding to repeat or retake a course.  Please refer to the HB444 and GSFC guidelines by visiting the GA Futures website.

A dual enrollment funding application must be completed every year by the student through and approved by parent/guardian, high school counselor (or home school administrator), and college for funding to be applied to the student’s balance.

Age Limit

A student must be less than twenty-two (22) years of age on the start date of the postsecondary term of enrollment for which funding is sought. A student who makes twenty-two (22) years of age during the postsecondary term, may complete the term.

Selective Service Requirements

*** Males enrolling in the Dual Enrollment program must be in compliance and meet federal Selective Service registration requirements, per Georgia state law of having registered with the United States Selective Service System. The requirement to register applies to males who were born on or after January 1, 1960 and are citizens or eligible non-citizens who came to the United States prior to age 26. All Dual Enrollment male students who turn 18 within a term must complete selective service registration prior to enrolling and registering for that term to be eligible for Dual Enrollment funding. ***

Estimated Startup Costs

Dual Enrollment state funding covers the cost of mandatory books but does not cover kits and supplies that are required for many of the college’s technical/occupational courses and programs. Below is a sample list of estimated startup costs for kits and supplies for a few of our Programs of Study. Please email us if you have additional questions at

HOPE Grant and HOPE Career Grant Bridge Funding

The HOPE Grant and HOPE Career Grant Bridge Funding can be used to fund additional courses for regular dual enrollment students after the student has exhausted their 30 dual enrollment funded hours.

Students wishing to use the HOPE Grant/HOPE Career Grant must choose from a HOPE Career Grant programs at Chattahoochee Tech.

Students who use the HOPE Grant/HOPE Career Grant must meet HOPE residency requirements.

Any HOPE Career Grant or HOPE Grant hours used will count against HOPE and Zell Miller caps.

Dual Enrollment Funding HOPE Grant Chart


10th–12th graders who are not eligible for dual enrollment funding or HOPE Grant/HOPE Career Grant to cover their Dual Enrollment courses are responsible for paying all tuition, required fees, and textbook/access code costs.

Funding Process & Deadlines

All Dual Enrollment students will have a hold on their account prior to registration opening in order to make sure each students funding is squared away. Once funding is processed, students will have a different hold, this way no changes can be made without counselors’ approval.

This process allows students to know their balance/or their portion of the balance (if any) prior to the start of the term.

  • Spring Semester 2025 – January 10th
  • Summer Semester 2025 – May 23rd
  • Fall Semester 2025 – August 15th

* Any students funding not completed by funding deadline will be dropped from their class and will not be allowed to attend until the following term or will be responsible for any tuition and/or fees associated *

Funding Contact

Jill Freeman, Student Outreach Technician – (770) 975-4077 (Funding questions/Selective Service)

Crystal Bilbrey, Student Outreach Technician – (770) 720-6635 (Funding questions, & Selective Service)

Angela Blair, Student Outreach & Recruitment Coordinator – (770) 345-1062 (Approval questions, account questions)

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