Resources and Services for DE Students

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Our Dual Enrollment students have access to a wide variety of college resources and services. On this page, we provide a sample list of the most frequently used resources and services at the college. Services can be found as menu tabs across the top of the college website. You can click on a wide variety of services for students: Career Services, Counseling, Disability Support, Campus Public Safety, International Services, services for Special Populations, Academic Success Centers, Library, Veteran Services, and more! Use the links within the menu on the left side of each page to access each service.

Academic Success Centers

Academic Success Centers are located on all campuses (except the Austell Campus). Tutoring is available in English, math, reading, and more. Tutoring may be offered for other subjects depending upon availability of tutors. Scheduling and locations for specialized tutoring are located on the Academic Success Centers web page. There is no charge for this service. The college also provides an on-line learning center where all students may access tutorials and many other resources to help you with your learning.

Disability Support Services

Disability Support Services (DSS) strives to become a model program serving students with disabilities in higher education. The college is committed to developing a society in which individuals with disabilities thrive and participate fully. These individuals will be challenged to become responsible decision-makers, problem solvers, and self-advocates in charge of their own destiny. Disability Support Services envisions a campus community where all individuals are seen as valued and contributing members of society. Respect for all will encompass everything we do. To make an appointment, go to the Disability Support Services web page, and click on a campus location nearest to you.


The college library offers a variety of services including countless Internet resources for conducting research or reading for pleasure:

• Assistance with class papers, projects, and assignments
• Computers for school or leisure purposes (school use has priority)
• Printers and photocopiers
• Tables for group study or carrels for individual study
• Quiet study areas or group study rooms

Public Safety/Campus Police

The Department of Public Safety/Campus Police is charged with the mission of providing a safe environment in which the faculty, staff, students, and visitors to Chattahoochee Technical can pursue the primary mission of CTC, which is that of providing educational opportunities for the workforce of Georgia in the areas served by the respective campuses. An extensive list of services that Campus Police offers is listed on the Campus Police web page.

Computer Labs

Chattahoochee Tech allows students to have access to computers and printing through our computer labs on multiple campuses. Check out the Computer Lab schedule to visit our on campus computer labs.

Official Transcript Request

Chattahoochee Technical College uses Parchment Transcript Services for all official transcript orders. You can begin your transcript order by visiting the Official Transcript request webpage.

Academic Programs and College Catalog

Chattahoochee Tech offers over 70 different certificate, diploma and degree programs. 

Students can also view the Chattahoochee Tech College Catalog to learn more about all the programs and courses offered at the college.

Records Office Forms

The Records Office at Chattahoochee Technical College provides an important link between our established academic policies, the academic departments within the college, and our students. The Records Office provides the Records Office Forms for students to be able to petition for graduation, changing their name, changing their address, placement test score release, etc.

Transfer Advisement

Interested in making an educational plan for college beyond Chattahoochee Tech? Learn about the different transfer opportunities on the Transfer Advisement webpage.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. For more detailed information on FERPA, visit the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) web page.

Drop/Add/Withdraw Information

The Drop/Add period for each term is as follows:

Spring and Fall semesters: Drop/Add will be the first full week of the semester. It will end on Saturday at noon.

Summer semester: Drop/Add will be the first three days of the semester. It will end on Wednesday at midnight.

Dual Enrollment students require Counselor or Home School Administrator permission to add/drop courses during the add/drop period. This permission may be sent to

For more information, please refer to the Drop/Add Information webpage.

After the add/drop period, if a DE student wishes to remove themselves from a class, they may have an opportunity to Withdraw from any or all courses on their schedule. Students are responsible for withdrawing themselves from any or all of their classes through their me@ChattTech Student Portal. A Withdraw also requires counselor permission be sent to (*some high schools / school districts do not allow withdraws. This must be discussed with your high school counselor.)

Concerns and Complaints

Concerns and Complaints web page

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High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm