Chatt Tech Cares - Report a Concern

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Chattahoochee Technical College encourages all members of our community to report prohibited conduct. Reports and names of individuals are only shared with appropriate college staff members. 


ADA Section 508: Electronic and web-based information is inaccessible or ineffective. 

ADA Section 504: Discrimination or unequal treatment against an individual with a disability.  

Submit an ADA Concern 


Behavioral, emotional, medical mental health, personal hardship, danger to self or others. 

Submit a Behavioral Concern 

Clery Act/Campus Authority (CSA) 

The Clery Act identifies certain staff, faculty, and students as “Campus Security Authorities” (or CSA’s) and requires they forward reports of crimes to designated offices on campus. 

Submit a Clery Act/Campus Security Authority Concern 

Equity and Title IX  

Equity: Discrimination based on race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, disability, political affiliation or belief, sexual orientation, age, and disabled veteran.  

Title IX: Sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, gender discrimination 

Submit an Equity and Title IX Concern  


Dissatisfaction with college services and non-academic disputes with faculty and/or staff. 

Submit a Grievance Concern 

Student Conduct  

Threats, inappropriate behavior, physical violence, conduct unbecoming of a student. 

Instructors: If there is an alleged academic misconduct, submit Student Conduct report. 

Submit a Student Conduct Concern 


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High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm