Artist Rendering of Chatt Tech Aviation Training Academy

Chattahoochee Tech Aviation Training Academy Launching Three Programs of Study for 2024 Spring Semester

Three aviation programs of study based at the Chattahoochee Technical College Aviation Training Academy in Paulding County will be up and running for the college’s 2024 spring semester.

Students may apply now for the Chattahoochee Tech Aircraft Structural Technology diploma program or to earn Technical Certificates of Credit in Avionics Bench Technician as well as Aircraft Upholstery and Trim. Programs of study planned for the college’s Aviation Training Academy also include Aviation Maintenance Technician – Airframe and Powerplant, pending the completion of the FAA certification process and approval.

Located at the Paulding Northwest Atlanta Airport, the three-story, 55,000 square-foot Chattahoochee Tech Aviation Training Academy will train students for high-demand careers to repair, service, and maintain airframe components and powerplant systems and components. The Aircraft Structural Technology diploma program beginning this spring will prepare students for careers in aircraft structure manufacture and repair. This program emphasizes a combination of aircraft structural theory and the practical application necessary for successful employment. Courses will include aircraft blueprint reading, structural fundamentals, aerodynamics, and aircraft metallurgy.

The Technical Certificate of Credit program for Avionic Bench Technician will prepare students to work on aircraft electronics in avionics repair stations and will prepare them to take the General Radio Operating License (GROL) exam. Coursework includes basic, digital, and advanced electronics along with courses in aircraft communication, navigation and flight director, and autopilot systems. The Technical Certificate of Credit program for Aircraft Upholstery and Trim will provide students with practical training for employment in outfitting and refurbishing large business jet aircraft. Lab demonstrations and class projects will include fabrication of seating, upholstery, flooring, side and overhead panels, and trim.

The Chattahoochee Tech Aviation Training Academy is on schedule for construction to be completed by December 2023. This facility will include a 12,000 square-foot hangar along with instructional labs, classrooms, and a technical library. It also will include an administrative wing to provide for a testing lab and college faculty offices. The Aviation Training Academy project was announced in 2018, with the programming and design work beginning in 2021. A groundbreaking ceremony was held on Sept 9, 2022 to mark the beginning of construction.

For more information, please visit our website.