

The Kennesaw Mountain Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and the Cherokee Chapter of the Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) sponsored a tree planting ceremony at Chattahoochee Technical College on Thursday, April 20. Three Southern Red Oaks were planted along the main drive of the college’s North… Continue Reading DAR and SAR Sponsor Liberty Tree Planting at Chattahoochee Tech
The Chattahoochee Tech Foundation awarded student scholarships with a total value of $110,000 at an awards presentation held Friday, April 14, at the college’s North Metro Campus. “These scholarships help make college education an affordable reality for students to reach the goal of graduation and enter the community workforce,” said Chattahoochee Tech President Dr. Ron… Continue Reading Chattahoochee Tech Foundation Awards Student Scholarships Valued at $110,000
Shown here, l-r, are Drew Tutton and 2023 award recipient Debbie McGee Chattahoochee Technical College students completing the college’s 2023 Student Leadership Academy were honored in a ceremony held Friday, March 31, at the North Metro Campus. The Student Leadership Academy is an annual, semester-long program at Chattahoochee Tech to prepare students to become effective… Continue Reading Chattahoochee Tech Students Complete 2023 Student Leadership Academy
Chattahoochee Tech students competed with hundreds of students from across the state to earn medals at the SkillsUSA Georgia career competition held recently in Atlanta. Chattahoochee Tech students Spencer Hachem and Darin Swagerty both earned gold medals in Additive Manufacturing. Stephen Garcia, a Chattahoochee Tech Dual Enrollment student at the Cobb Innovation and Technology Academy… Continue Reading Chattahoochee Tech Students Earn Medals at SkillsUSA Georgia Competition
Chattahoochee Tech hosted 136 high school students from Cherokee County along with local industry representatives for a Manufacturing Lunch & Learn on Friday, Feb. 3, at the college’s North Metro Campus. Students interacted with industry representatives to learn more about career opportunities in local industries, and then toured the college’s Center for Advanced Manufacturing. This… Continue Reading Chattahoochee Tech Hosts Manufacturing Lunch & Learn for High School Students and Local Industry
Chattahoochee Technical College announced its top student and the instructor of the year at an awards luncheon held Friday, Jan. 27, at the college’s North Metro Campus Breana Miller, a student in the college’s Occupational Therapy Assistant program, received the 2023 Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership (GOAL) award for top student. Mathematics Instructor Adrienne Baldwin… Continue Reading Chattahoochee Tech Presents Top Student and Instructor with GOAL and Rick Perkins Awards
Chattahoochee Technical College honored graduates during two commencement ceremonies held Thursday, Dec. 15, at the Clarence Brown Conference Center in Cartersville. Over 550 Chattahoochee Tech students petitioned to graduate this fall, with 300 of them participating in the commencement ceremonies. These students crossed the stage to receive their associate degree, diploma or technical certificate of… Continue Reading Chattahoochee Tech Honors Graduates with Fall 2022 Commencement Ceremonies
Chattahoochee Tech welding students showed off their skills at the Xcel Strategies North Georgia Welding competition held Oct. 22 at Hardy Automotive Group in Paulding County. “The impressive part is that all of them were first-semester students and their projects were awesome!” said Chattahoochee Tech Associate Dean Stephanie O’Donoghue. “They designed and welded them from… Continue Reading Chattahoochee Tech Students Display Skills at North Georgia Welding Competition
The Chattahoochee Tech Foundation raised $56,125 at the 2022 Reverse Raffle fundraiser held Thursday night, Oct. 13, at the North Metro Campus, with proceeds going directly to helping students in need. Unlike a typical raffle, the purchaser of the last ticket drawn in a Reverse Raffle wins the grand prize. When the final five ticket… Continue Reading Reverse Raffle a Success for Chattahoochee Tech Foundation and Students
Chattahoochee Technical College celebrated the opening of the Superior Plumbing Veterans Education and Career Transition Resource (VECTR) Center at the college’s Marietta Campus on Tuesday, Oct. 4, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house. Georgia Speaker of the House David Ralston and Sen. Michael Rhett joined with TCSG Commissioner Greg Dozier, Superior Plumbing President Jay… Continue Reading Chatt Tech Celebrates Opening of Superior Plumbing VECTR Center with Ribbon-Cutting Event and Open House
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