Behavioral Intervention Team

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Identifying, Assessing, and Reducing Threats

Colleges and universities around the country have become more diligent and proactive in providing a safe environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to their campuses. More recently, the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) now requires all technical colleges to have a Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT). The Behavioral Intervention Team is dedicated to a proactive, coordinated, and planned approach to the identification, prevention, assessment, management, and reduction of interpersonal and behavioral threats to the safety and well-being of all Chattahoochee Technical College students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Campus Members’ Responsibilities

The mission of the College’s Behavioral Intervention Team is to provide a proactive and supportive multi-disciplinary team approach to prevention, assessment, intervention, and management of situations that may impact the safety and well-being of individuals or the college community. It is the responsibility of faculty, staff, and students to immediately report any situation that could possibly result in harm to anyone at the College.

When there is an active or immediate risk of violence or harm to others, you should call 911 or Chattahoochee Technical College Public Safety at 770-529-2311.

How Do I Report a Concern?

Individuals may submit a report about a person of concern in a few different ways:

Who Should Submit a Report?

All students, faculty, and staff members may submit a report if they have concerns that relate to behavioral issues.

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High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm