Refunds and Credit Balances

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Whether a financial aid refund or a refund of cash that a student may have overpaid, the college will ensure students receive all refunds to which they are entitled in the time frame set forth in institutional, state, and federal guidelines.

Students dropping one or more courses by the end of the college’s drop/add period of the semester and “no shows” shall receive a 100-percent refund of applicable tuition and fees. The refund excludes the application fee and any other non-refundable fees. “No show” refunds are limited to a 15-hour cap as students are only assessed tuition up to 15 credits per term. Please see the applicable semester calendar for the exact date(s) and time(s) as set by the college.

Students who withdraw from a course after the drop/add period of the semester (please see the applicable semester calendar for the exact date(s) and time(s) as set by the college) shall receive no refund. These refund policies are mandated by the Technical College System of Georgia and followed by Chattahoochee Technical College.

Students who withdraw (officially and unofficially) who are receiving federal financial aid (Pell Grant, SEOG) will have their awards adjusted in compliance with the Return of Title IV Aid (R2T4) requirements, and, as such, may owe a balance to the college and/or U.S. Department of Education. Please see the Financial Assistance/Financial Aid section of catalog for further details.

Refunds are processed beginning around the fourth week of each semester and are normally processed weekly thereafter by the Bursar’s Office / Student Accounts. All student refunds are generated via the student’s BankMobile preference (debit card, paper check, or ACH transfer). For more information, please visit

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