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Accommodate is the platform used by Disability Support Services to monitor, track, and manage each student’s accommodations.  Students are responsible for logging into Accommodate EACH semester in order to activate his/her accommodations. 

Note: In order to notify our instructors of your academic accommodations you are eligible to receive, you will need to activate your accommodations each instructor, every semester. Failure to do so will result in no accommodations for that particular course.  The request for these letters must be submitted in a timely manner for each semester once you have registered for your classes.  This means you should start the process by requesting letters at least 2 weeks before the first day of class, or at the latest have this completed by the first day of classes.  Accommodations will not go into effect into you have completed this process.

Accommodations are not retroactive and will only apply from the date of when the accommodations are activated moving forward (for that specific semester).    

Step #1: Completing Required Surveys & Activating your Accommodations

In order to activate your accommodations, you must:

  1. Logon to your Accommodate Account
    • Note: you will need to use the same username & password that you use when logging onto a computer at Chattahoochee Tech or logging onto BlackBoard
  2. Once you are logged into the Accommodate platform, you will see two surveys on the home page that must be completed:
    1. Academic Misconduct
    2. Student Rights & Responsibilities
    • ***Note: if you have already signed off on these surveys for a pervious semester, you do NOT have to do this again. You can bypass this step and move onto #3.
  3. You must open each survey, read & review the content, and then electronically sign at the bottom
    1. Click on “Accommodation” tab at the top of the page.
    2. Select Semester Request
    3. Click “New”
    4. Select the correct semester
    5. Select “Submit for All Accommodations”

You will have to wait until DSS approves of these requests:

  • Once DSS has approved your accommodations, you will “Review the Renewal”
    Students can deselect accommodations for a particular class. For example, if you are eligible for the accommodation of “use of calculator”, most likely you are only planning on using this accommodation in a math, science, or accounting related course – thus, you may not want to activate this accommodation for an English course.
  • This process allows you as the student to apply the accommodations that you will need/want for a particular course without having all your accommodations show up for an instructor in which you will not use that particular accommodation
  • Once approved by DSS, an electronic Accommodation Letter will be emailed to your student email and your instructor(s) within 5 business days of the date you submitted your request.

Step #2:  Signing your Accommodation Letter

After DSS sends out your Accommodation Letter to instructors, both the student and the faculty are required to log into Accommodate to review the letter & electronically sign.  Once Disability Support Services has approved your activated accommodations for the semester, you will then be able to access your Accommodation Letter through your Accommodate logon page. In order to access your Accommodation Letter,

  1. The student will receive an email directing you to log back into Accommodation to review your Accommodation Letter
  2. Once logged onto Accommodate, click on Accommodation
  3. Click on Accommodation Letters (you will see a note saying signature required)
  4. After you discuss your letter with your instructor and/or agree with the listed accommodations, you will electronically sign the letter
  5. Click submit

Step #3: Discuss your Accommodation Letter with your Instructors

It is your responsibility to arrange a meeting with each instructor to discuss your accommodations for that course.

  • Do not assume that email submission of your Accommodation Letter to instructors confirms agreement of the listed accommodations.
  • Accommodations are not granted retroactively.  Students are strongly encouraged to discuss accommodation needs with instructors in a timely manner, preferably within the first week of the semester.
  • Any disagreement between student and faculty regarding accommodations (or failure to provide accommodations) must be communicated in writing to DSS within 2 business days in order to seek a resolution, per OCR (Office of Civil Rights) rulings.
  • To submit a concern regarding your accommodation, please email Please include your name, 900#, and nature of the issue. DSS will work with you and your instructor in order to identify a mutually agreeable solution.

View a Step-by-Step Document

Activate Your Accommodations

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