Office of Advisement

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On this page, you will find advisor contact information and what programs he or she advises for. You should contact your academic advisor to learn more about your program requirements, specific admission criteria (if applicable), and course selection, as well as short term and long term educational goal planning.

If contacting by email, please use your Chatt Tech student email account. If contacting by phone, please leave a message including your student ID (900) number.

Matt Sorenson
Placeholder silhouette of a generic male against a gray background with the Chatt Tech logo along the side
Academic Advisor

Email Matt
Advises students in preadmission programs for the School of Nursing
Yolanda Turner

Advises students in preadmission programs for Health Sciences

Stacey Pittard
Portrait of Stacey Pittard
Academic Advisor
Email Stacey

Advises students in preadmission programs for Health Sciences

Bethany Schultz

Photo of Bethany Schultz
Director of Advising
Email Bethany

Advises students in preadmission programs for Health Sciences

News and Updates
Upcoming Events

High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

High School Senior Night

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm