Library Services

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Library Services


Current Chattahoochee Tech students and employees may borrow materials from any Chattahoochee Tech Library. Please see our Policies Page for more information. Students and employees may have any regular circulating item delivered to any other Chattahoochee Tech library for pickup or place a request on any item that is currently checked out. Requests can be made in person or through the Chattahoochee Tech Library Catalog. You must sign-in to access this feature.

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Reference Assistance

Chattahoochee Tech Libraries provide reference assistance to all patrons. Services include research assistance for papers and projects, citations, locating materials in the library, using the library catalog, using library databases, basic assistance with Blackboard, me@ChattTech Student Portal, internet browsers, MS Office Suite, and/or printing and photocopying.

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Library Instruction

Library Instruction for Classes

Chattahoochee Tech Libraries offer a library instruction program that is customizable to individual class needs. See the Faculty & Staff Library Guide for more information about the different options for library instruction delivery and the topics we can cover.

Library Instruction When the Library is Normally Closed

For a few classes, the normal library hours may not accommodate a class visit. With appropriate advance request, Library staff will schedule an instruction session outside of regular library hours.

Please contact your campus library if you would like to schedule a session.

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Computer and Study Spaces

Chattahoochee Tech libraries provide computers, printers, photocopiers, casual seating, study carrels, study tables and/or group study rooms.

Spaces are limited, and priority goes to current Chattahoochee Tech students and employees.

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Device Lending

Chattahoochee Tech Libraries have the following items available for current students to borrow:

Two Week Loans:

  • HP laptops

Four Week Loans:

  • T-Mobile Wi-Fi hotspots
    • * Must fill out our device lending policy when borrowing these items and follow the college’s computer use and internet guidelines
    • * Students who are eligible can also loan laptops or T-Mobile Wi-Fi hotspots for a full semester through the Office of Student Resources

In-Library Only Items (due by the end of the day):

  • iPhone and Android chargers (in some libraries)
  • TI Calculators
  • Turntables to listen to vinyl records (at the Appalachian and Marietta libraries)

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Partner Libraries

With a valid ID and proof of current enrollment via your me@ChattTech Student Portal account, Chatt Tech students may check out materials from the Kennesaw State University Libraries (KSU), or Reinhardt University Library. Any materials borrowed from a library at KSU or Reinhardt must be returned to the same library.

Chatt Tech Library materials may be checked out by students from Kennesaw State University, or Reinhardt University with proof of current enrollment via Owl Express or EagleWeb.

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TechShare Libraries

Chattahoochee Tech students and employees may borrow materials from all Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) Libraries via TechShare. Requests can be made in person or through the Chattahoochee Tech Library Catalog and be picked up at any Chattahoochee Tech or TCSG Library. You must sign-in to access this feature. Choose TCGS Libraries in the drop down menu for the search box to search all TCSG libraries.

Technical College Library Catalogs (TechShare)

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Interlibrary Loans

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services are for books & articles that are not owned by CTC or other TCSG Libraries and are not available through any online resource such as GALILEO.

Please read the following guidelines:

  • Patrons must be in good standing with the library (no overdue materials or fines) in order to use interlibrary loan services.
  • Patrons are limited to a reasonable number of interlibrary loan requests per semester.
  • Please allow a minimum of 10 days when requesting anything through interlibrary loan.
  • Fines for overdue interlibrary loan materials are $1.00 per day.
  • Whenever possible, Chattahoochee Tech Library seeks to borrow from institutions that do not charge for their services.
  • In the event that there is a charge by another library for a requested item, the library may pass the fee on to the user. Chattahoochee Tech Library will make every effort to notify the user of the charge ahead of time.
  • Chattahoochee Tech Library will not request textbooks.
  • Chattahoochee Tech Library will not request audio books, DVDs, VHS tapes or other audio/visual materials.
  • Chattahoochee Tech Library will not place materials borrowed via Interlibrary Loan on Reserve.
  • If a library patron wishes to request an item that is owned by Chattahoochee Tech but currently checked out to another user, they must first request a recall of the item. If the recall is not successful and the item has been checked out for over thirty days, then the patron may submit an interlibrary loan request.
  • The borrower accepts financial responsibility for any loss or damage incurred to the item while in their possession.
  • Chattahoochee Tech Library reserves the right to refuse an interlibrary loan request that, in our judgment, would violate U.S. copyright law, Title 17 U.S. Code. Once an item is received through interlibrary-loan, it is the borrower’s responsibility to avoid copyright infringement.

If you need assistance, please contact your campus librarian.

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Copyright Laws and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Materials is Against Federal Law

The unauthorized copying and distributing of copyrighted materials, including, but not limited to peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing, is a violation of United States copyright law and may result in civil and criminal liability and prosecution.

Summary of Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws

Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.

Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.

Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.

For more information, please see the website of the U.S. Copyright Office.

Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Materials is Prohibited by TCSG Policy

TCSG State Board Policy II.C.4 prohibits the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials via TCSG systems or networks. Maximum penalties under Georgia Law are a $50,000 fine and 15 years of imprisonment, plus civil liability in addition to the potential federal penalties listed above.

Legal Alternatives for Downloading or Otherwise Acquiring Copyrighted Materials

For legal sources of online content (for downloading copyrighted materials), please visit the article “Legal Sources of Online Content” by Educause.

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